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LAFCO Commission Hearing Meeting

May 12, 2021 Reports, Resolutions, Audio and Minutes
Agenda  (Click here to see entire agenda)

The following Agenda Items have Staff Reports and Attachments

4. Consider Appointment of new Chair Pro Tempore from City or Public Commission Members.  Staff Report

Consent Items:
7A. Consider Approval: Minutes from the LAFCo Meeting of April 14, 2021.  Draft Minutes
7B. Consider Approval: City of Clovis "Ashlan-Thompson Southeast Reorganization."  Staff Report  Attachment A  Attachment B  Attachment C  NOD  Service Plan  Resolution

Regular Items:
8. Consider Adoption: Municipal Service Review and Sphere of Influence Update for the Tranquillity Resource Conservation District ("RCD"), Firebaugh RCD, James RCD, Panoche RCD, and Westside RCD.  Staff Report 
Tranquillity RCD Attachment A  Attachment B  Resolution
Firebaugh RCD Attachment A  Attachment B  Resolution
James RCD  Attachment A  Attachment B  Resolution
Panoche RCD  Attachment A  Attachment B  Resolution
Westside  Attachment A  Attachment B  Resolution
Attachment C  Attachment D  Attachment E
9. Consider Approval: Tranquillity Resource Conservation District Annexation.  Staff Report  Attachment A  Attachment B  Attachment C  NOE  Resolution
10. Final Budget and Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.  Staff Report and Attachments  Addendum  Resolution
11. Closed Session- Public Employee Performance Evaluation- Govt Code sec. 54957 (b) (1)
       Title: Executive Officer


 Audio 1  Audio 2