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LAFCO Commission Hearing Meeting

August 11, 2021 Reports, Resolutions, Audio and Minutes
Agenda  (Click here to see entire agenda)

The following Agenda Items have Staff Reports and Attachments

Consent Items:
5A. Consider Approval: Minutes from the LAFCo Meeting of July 14, 2021.  Draft Minutes
5B. Consider Approval: Appointment of Fresno LAFCo's Voting Delegate and Alternate Voting Delegate at the CALAFCO Board of Directors Elections. Staff Report

6. Consider Approval: Sphere of Influence update for Sierra Resource Conservation District. (USOI-193, continued hearing from June 9, 2021)  Staff Report  Attachment A  Attachment B  Attachment C  Attachment D  Attachment E  Resolution
7. Consider Approval: "Sierra Resource Conservation District Annnexation." (AD-19-3, continued from June 9, 2021)  Staff Report  Attachment A  Attachment B  Attachment C  Attachment D  Resolution
8.Consider Approval: Request by the County of Fresno Application to waive the application fees for the proposed County Service Area 32 sphere of influence amendment and associated change of organization applications.  Staff Report  Attachment A  Resolution
9. Consider Approval: Issue a Request for Proposals ("RFP") for Contract Human Resource Services.  Staff Report  Attachment A  Resolution
10. Consider Approval: Report by the Executive Officer Compensation Committee recommending an Amendment of the Executive Officer's Employment Agreement (Compensation).  Staff Report  Resolution
11. Consider Approval: Approval and Authorization related to the Recuitment of a new Executive Officer.  Staff Report  Attachment A  Attachment B  Attachment C  Resolution

