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October 11, 2017

Reports, Resolutions, Audio and Minutes
Agenda  (Click here to see entire agenda)

The following Agenda Items have Staff Reports and Attachments
5A. Consider Approval of September 13, 2017 Minutes-  Draft Minutes
6. Consider Adoption: Municipal Service Review and sphere of influence update for Selma Cemetery District-  Staff Report  Maps  MSR/SOI  Resolution
7. Consider Adoption: Municipal Service Review and sphere of influence update for Squaw Valley Cemetery District-  Staff Report  Maps  MSR/SOI  Resolution
8. Consider Adoption: Municipal Service Review update and sphere of influence revision for Washington Colony Cemetery District-  Staff Report  Maps  MSR/SOI  Resolution
9. Consider Adoption: Municipal Service Review update and sphere of influence revision for Oak Grove Cemetery District-  Staff Report  Maps  MSR/SOI  Resolution
10. Overview Presentation: Municipal Service Reviews and sphere of influence updates for Public Cemetery Districts-  Staff Report
11. Appointment of Fresno LAFCo's voting delegate and alternate voting delegate at the CALAFCo Board of Directors Elections-  Staff Report
12. Consider Approval: Preliminary 2018 Commission Hearing Schedule-  Staff Report


Approved October 11, 2017  Audio  Minutes
Last Updated 11-9-17 9:13 a.m.

October 11,