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LAFCO Commission Hearing Meeting

November 10, 2021 Reports, Resolutions, Audio and Minutes
Agenda  (Click here to see entire agenda)

The following Agenda Items have Staff Reports and Attachments

Consent Items:
5A. Consider Approval: Minutes from the LAFCo Meeting of October 13, 2021.  Draft Minutes
5B. Consider Approval: Request Authorization for Destruction of LAFCo Public Records  Staff Report 
5C. Consider Approval: Authorize the Executive Officer to extend the existing lease agreement with Milner Klein Realty Company (DBA Physicians' Building Partners).  Staff Report
5D. Consider Approval: City of Kingsburg "Kamm-Academy Northwest No. 2 Reorganization." Staff Report  Attachment A  Attachment B  Attachment C Attachment D

6. Consider Continuance: Sphere of Influence update for Sierra Resource Conservation District. (USOI-193, continued hearing from October 13, 2021)  Staff Report  Attachment A
7. Consider Continuance: "Sierra Resource Conservation District Annnexation." (AD-19-3, continued from October 13, 2021)  Staff Report  Attachment A
8. Workshop: Special District Performance. Staff Report  Attachment A  Attachment B
9. Workshop: Westside Resource Conservation District Dissolution.  Staff Report  Attachment A  Attachment B  Attachment C

12. Public Employment Appointment
      Title: Executive Officer Candidate Interviews

 Audio 1  Audio 2